Drought Proofing Your Landscaping
August 16, 2021
How to Drastically Lower Your Grocery Bills
October 14, 2021Home a Place to Relax, Renew & Recharge
I think this last year has gotten us to realize that our home is our refuge from the stress and the constant busy of the world. It’s been an incredible last 18 months for all of us, with fires, evacuations, and COVID-19. All of us are bombarded with more stress these days than we usually experienced in many years’ time in a very short span of time. Change is what we can depend on these days and our home takes on even more significance as a place of refuge and renewal when life is seemingly so crazy.
Tips on Making Your Home Your Happy Place
Women are innovative and this is a great time to call on that superpower to help make your home a place of renewal. The ideas we present are meant to be fun, inexpensive, and positive changes that you can make to your home in a couple of hours’ time. Each of you will lend your personal style to these ideas and that is what makes these projects we share so personal and full of meaning. Above all we want these projects to be stress-busting and helping to take you to a happy place.
Happy Memories Collage
Creating a happy memories collage is a wonderful afternoon project that can have you focusing on the positive in your life while also giving you a finished project that elicits positive feelings every time you see it. You can create this project from your phone or computer by accessing photos. There are a couple of ways to create this project. If you already have photos printed you can use those, or use a collage program online to put together your memory collage.
Go through your photos and choose photos that bring back wonderful memories to you; family, vacations, firsts like giving birth, graduations, holidays, funny times with friends and family, photos of your pets, and some of your favorite people, places, and experiences. When choosing your photos, you’re looking for that feel-good feeling that comes from viewing them.
I know many of the photos might bring up nostalgia for how life used to be, but on the backside of all these changes, we also have the opportunity to create a life that is richer, saner, and has more meaning. Our hope is that these photos will take you to your happy place. After you have chosen your photos and print them, find a way to frame them, or put them on a hardboard backing board so your finished collage can be hung where you will see it many times a day.
Create a Meditation Area or Altar
I think many people have found that meditation or breathwork has been a really good stress-buster over the last couple of years. You can meditate or do breathwork anywhere; your home, office, car, watching your kid’s soccer game, waiting in traffic, r between projects at work. It is wonderful to have a designated place in your home, even a small table or corner that is your meditation place or place of prayer. Altars are wonderful to put together and make for a great afternoon project on the weekends. All you need is part of a table, a designated table or corner that you want to transform into your place of quiet and solitude.
Your altar may change over time but also has some constants to it. Choosing items for your altar or meditation area is a very personal project, but also very nurturing. Creating sacred space in your home as a place to relax, renew, and recharge reminds you to do just that and to take the time on a regular basis to take care of yourself! Your altar is an outer reflection of your inner way of connecting to your higher power, God, or source. It’s a way of honoring yourself by having a place that is yours and represents what matters most to you. Over time, just coming into the space of your altar can have a positive effect on your energy and mood.
So, this is where your creativity can burst forth, each of us has our favorite items we would like on our alter, but here are some suggestions from friends and family that have created altars. Location is important and a place in your home that gets good natural light is best for a meditation area or altar.
- Many of my friends have fresh flowers on their altars
- Items that are sacred to you that are from ancestors
- Your favorite things that represent the 4 essential elements of nature, earth, water, fire, and air
- Feed your senses of touch, smell, sound, and taste, such as a soft blanket or meditation cushion for touch, flowers or incense for smell, a bell for sound, and something to taste, such as an orange or other food items that you can eat slowly
- Artwork, prayer beads to soothe your soul
- Representations of your faith
- Photos of those you love and pets
These are just some suggestions and you can make your meditation area or altar as simple or as elaborate as you wish. This project is a project to nurture your soul and bring you joy!
Free Up Space & Sell on Facebook Marketplace
Creating space and organization can give you a sense of accomplishment while opening up space metaphysically for bringing in the new. I have been doing this practice for a while and even during the COVID pandemic. I have gone through my garage and each room in my home finding items I no longer use, but others would love to have. The item has ranged from a rototiller needing work to a leather jacket I no longer wear, from a portable grill that had only been used once to a playhouse the kids long outgrew.
Each of these treasures when given away freed up space but also brought joy to others at a good price while creating some extra income for myself. Plus, I got to see the smile on people’s faces, even if only their eyes with face masks, and I made some good contacts that I wouldn’t have made if I hadn’t taken the opportunity to clear my space while making it more beautiful.
One-Line Gratitude List
I love this idea and I’m going to incorporate it at my home today. I have kept a gratitude list like forever but just love this idea. Get a magnetic wipe off-board for your refrigerator, and at the end of the day write down one thing that you are grateful for that happened that day. Your gratitude item will greet you in the morning and help you stay positive while reminding you of what you have to be grateful for each time you open or pass by your refrigerator.
We hope these small tasks bring you happiness and help make your home your happy place. We are grateful for each of you that are Crystal Clear Home clients and wish you a year filled with good health, joy, and gratitude for the small wonders in life!