Natural Home Pest Control Tips
December 19, 2018
Is Your Home Making You Sick?
February 13, 2019Reasons I Decided to Hire a Cleaning Company
Most of us are careful with our money and the thought of a young family spending money on a cleaning company seemed like a luxury we couldn’t afford. But then I started thinking, isn’t my time as important if not more so than money? This was the shift that started to happen for me last year and why I decided that hiring a cleaning company could change my life.
Follow My Thought Process
There always seems that there are necessities to spend money on, especially for a growing family. The dreaded budget that I mull over in my mind each month and how to make it stretch for everything that is important for our family. How was I going to justify hiring a cleaning company when that was one more expense?
I started thinking HONESTLY about how much time I spent each week cleaning, complaining about cleaning, nagging the kids and OMG my poor husband about pitching in and helping with cleaning, how I really only spot clean and don’t really get our home clean, and the list just kept growing. It was one of those lightbulb honesty moments that got me thinking differently about hiring a cleaning company.
What Did I Gain From Hiring a Cleaning Company?
- IT SAVES ME TIME–I freed up about 3-4 hours a week that I personally spent cleaning our home and doing a marginal job. Which left me that time to give to myself, my family, and some fun things in our lives.
- CHANGED MY ATTITUDE–I didn’t see myself as a nag any more, which helped shift my thinking in so many ways and my family’s thinking about me. Happier times indeed without a nagging Mom.
- WE HAVE A CLEAN HOME-We now have a really clean home, less germs, less colds, less missed days of work and school–a BIG WIN all around.
- MY STRESS HAS BEEN REDUCED–I have less stress in my life because my to-do list just shrunk by a job I couldn’t stand and freed up 3-4 hours a week.
- I CAN FIND THINGS–When I hired a house cleaning company, not all at once, but over time our house became neater and more clutter-free.
- WE HAVE MORE FAMILY TIME–This has been wonderful, we are now having more time to do fun activities as a family.
- SAVES MONEY ON CLEANING SUPPLIES–Many cleaning companies furnish their own cleaning supplies. Especially the eco-friendly or green cleaning companies.
- WE HAVE LESS DUST-LESS ALLERGIES–With less dust and dander we are finding that we sneeze less and have less allergy symptoms.
- THE KIDS ARE NEATER-Since hiring a cleaning company they make sure everything is put away before the cleaning crew arrives. I explained that things left on the floor will be given to Goodwill. No more stray legos to step on in the night! YEAH!
- YOU’VE MADE A GOOD BUSINESS DECISION–At work we would never think of doing things that we pay our staff to do, maybe in a pinch, but not on a regular basis. I realized the reasoning I used to run a good company I wasn’t using on my own time or budget. I always say at work, ” hire or delegate the things you don’t like to do or you don’t excel at!” This frees you up to excel at what makes you shine.
Life Seems More Stress-Free
You can see how I did my process and my final decision was a resounding YES, lets hire a cleaning company. I didn’t want just any cleaning company, since we have a very green and organic lifestyle I wanted a company with the same values that my family believes are important for our health. The field really narrows when you are looking for an eco-friendly or green cleaning company. I wanted a company that had great employees, solid customer service, and used green and organic cleaning methods. Since my family uses only organic cleaning products we wanted to make sure the company we chose only used organic cleaning products also.
I suggest interviewing a couple of companies over the phone, check their reviews, website, and ask friends and associates for recommendations on what cleaning companies they have found that they believe do a great job. It’s a process and sometimes you find a match with the first company you choose, but sometimes it takes trying a few different companies to find that one that fits your needs, budget, and values. It’s a process worth taking!
We are a year later and my husband and I are even finding time for a date night a couple times a month. So, there have been many benefits to choosing a green cleaning company for our family home. Do your process and see what the benefits have been for your lifestyle a year later. I sure like me, you’ll say,” why didn’t we do this sooner?”