Goal Setting Tips During a Pandemic
February 13, 2022
Rediscover Sonoma County’s Beauty & Wonders
April 19, 2022Peace & Uncertainty
Peace and uncertainty seem like opposites, they are but realize if you can find peace in uncertainty you can have peace in your life at any time. I know all of us thought the big hump had been navigated with getting through the worse of the COVID-19 pandemic, but just as that is seeming to get wane we find increasing inflation and now a war with Russia and the Ukraine that has most people on edge.
Truth be told, if you go back and look at enough history, we have lived through uncertain times before, certainly, our parents and grandparents have before us. So how do you maintain peace and balance during times of uncertainty? The interesting thought I had this morning is none of us know what the future will bring at any time in our lives. We would like to think we have a modicum of control, but most times control is an illusion. So, each of us looking back has navigated uncertainty before and made it through.
Another interesting fact is that humans tend to grow more in all ways during times of uncertainty or chaos, we are a lot like artwork, messy while going through change and upheaval, but most times come out a beautiful work of art in the end. This is not minimizing tragedy, which I think all of us have experienced, just that when we think life doesn’t look like we wish, we are being jostled to change and adapt and that can create growth and new opportunities.
Our New Normal–Uncertainty
It seems that uncertainty has become the new normal in today’s world. Whether it is global economic instability, political upheaval, climate change, or the threat of global conflict, we’re constantly having to confront worst-case scenarios that are beyond our control.
The conditions in our world today can be unsettling and have you feeling insecure and vulnerable. And with no guarantee that things will stay the same from one day to the next, we can quickly become plagued by our rational and irrational fears.
While it is not possible to get rid of your feelings entirely, we share some ideas that can help you cope well and grow during uncertain times.
Stay In Present Moment
Staying in present moment when you are feeling uncomfortable feelings may seem challenging but it is far better than falling into other traps of thinking. When going through uncomfortable times it is easy to compare today with times in the past or to jump forward and run on all the worst-case scenarios, but both tactics don’t have you appreciating present moment. In that vein, I share the Buddhist Meta prayer with you:
May I be filled with lovingkindness
May I be happy and healthy
May I feel connected and calm
May I be free from suffering
May I live in peace
May you be filled with lovingkindness
May you be happy and healthy
May your feel connected and calm
may you be free from suffering
May you live in peace
Staying in present moment allows you to enjoy today and not be robbed of the present moments in your life. None of us know what the future brings at any moment but enjoying the moments we have makes them much sweeter!
Keep Doing What You Enjoy
There is a lot of comfort and joy in doing what you enjoy, even when the world seems like it’s descending into chaos. Doing what you love or enjoy lets you feel grounded and connected. It gives you a sense of purpose even when you are in the midst of a lot of uncertainty.
By continuing to do what gives you juice, it helps you have hope for the future. Whether gardening is your thing, building projects, reading, playing a musical instrument, cooking, or heading to the ocean makes you happy, keep doing it because it helps you enjoy life and connect with what you love doing.
Take a Break from News & Social Media
Most of us would agree that it’s good to stay informed, but being bombarded 24/7 with information, I think many of us would agree that it is not best for our body, mind. or soul. So, try taking a break from the news and social media once a week, it will all be there when you get back and it will give your nervous system a breather.
Accept Uncertainty & Embrace Change
I think everyone wants to feel a modicum of control over their day-to-day lives. You would like to know what is going to happen next and as humans, we crave certainty. You like most people, try to avoid bad things from happening. But, when it comes down to it, you can’t control all factors in your life. There are times when things go as planned and then you get served a curveball, it’s just part of life. I always say you don’t know who a person is in the good times, but you certainly do know the character of their being when everything hits the fan.
Embracing uncertainty and what has to teach you can be challenging. Not knowing all the answers puts in you in the position of being open to learning. Many of the best ideas, inventions, changes in history have come amidst the chaos. Change and chaos bring opportunities for new thinking and growth, just take a quick look back at your life and I’m sure you might see that too!
Be Aware of Your Unconscious Beliefs
Some of our subconscious beliefs actually run the show in our lives when times are uncertain. These beliefs in your subconscious are beliefs you might not even be aware of. These beliefs can contribute to your times of uncertainty. Many times, these are beliefs are picked up along the way in life, many times from your childhood.
Acknowledging your belief and not making yourself wrong is important. Admitting you have the belief is the first step. This can be anything from “I’m not good enough” to “I can’t change anything”. Identify what caused the belief and try being a loving observer when the belief comes up and then take small steps to test whether the belief is true today. Lastly, seeking out support with your unconscious beliefs is a good way to work through them and put them in the past.
Don’t Bury Your Feelings
Accepting your feelings and not making yourself wrong for your feelings, is a big step to accepting your feelings, especially during times of uncertainty. Finding ways to share your feelings with others in constructive ways lets you get support and gives air to your feelings. Being vulnerable also opens up opportunities for others to share their feelings. Deep bonds form during times of uncertainty and taking the chance to be vulnerable gives others the courage to share their feelings also.
Seek New Perspectives
In uncertain times, it’s more important than ever to seek new perspectives and outlooks. Learning from others and seeing possibilities and events through other people’s lenses of perception are key ways to grow during challenging times. When you allow yourself to be curious and explore new ideas, you can find hope during uncertainty.
By embracing change, you can open yourself up to new opportunities that might not have been available before in your life. I just had a friend decide to sell her house recently after some big changes in her life and move to the beach in North Carolina. She has wanted to live by the beach since she was a kid and after her dog died recently, she put her house on the market and is on a cross-country tour winding her way to North Carolina and the beach!
Consider All Possible Scenarios
A natural reaction to uncertain times is to jump to worst-case scenarios, during upheaval and change. It’s important to realize that there are also other possible outcomes other than worse-case scenarios. Focusing on the positive aspects of a situation you are facing can help you weather the storm When faced with uncertainty. it’s easy to get bogged down with worry and doubt especially at the end of the day when you are tired. Be sure to take perspective.
This is a good time to write out a victory list of all the situations you have overcome in life and the outcomes that came from times of uncertainty. Your list is a personal reminder that you have weathered the storm and come through to enjoy another day. Locally, we have been through fires, floods, evacuations, COVID-19, and much more and some things have changed, but we are still Sonoma County Strong!
Reach Out for Support
If you find that you aren’t doing well, please reach out for support. A friend to talk to, a group to rally your spirits, or a professional counselor to see you to the other side of your troubles. It’s important when weathering a storm to know when it’s just a rough patch or when you are honestly in over your head and it’s time for help. That is a sign of strength, not a sign of weakness. We all need support in life, humans were to designed to go it alone.
The Future is Full of Possibilities
To thrive in our new normal of uncertainty, we can embrace change and be willing to step outside our comfort zone, and not let fear dictate our lives and how we live. The future at times may look uncertain, but it is also ripe with possibilities if we all work together for the greater good of all. We hope you enjoyed what we shared today and we try to support you in many ways, including eco-friendly house cleaning. Please give us a call at 707-827-3626 or fill out our FREE ESTIMATE FORM and one of our cleaning professionals will give you a call promptly to meet your cleaning needs.