Is Your Home Making You Sick?
February 13, 2019
11 Ways to Cool Your Home without Air Conditioning
April 23, 2019Flooding in Sonoma County
This last month in Sonoma County we had record rainfall and flooding that we haven’t seen in over 30 years. The flood is behind us but not the aftermath of heavy rains and flooding. Heavy rains and flooding increase your chances of your home growing mold. Mold is not good for your home and mold is not good for your family and pets.
What Are the Signs My House Has Mold?
There are simple signs to look for when your house might have mold. It can be an odd smell to feeling sick and we go over what some of those signs are that can indicated that your house has a mold problem. If you think your home has mold having it taken care quickly as possible is important because mold problems don’t generally improve with time, they only get worse.
Mold can cause structural damage to your home amongst other challenges. Mold can also impact your health when left untreated. As soon as you suspect mold it’s best to address the problem as thoroughly as possible as soon as possible.
Some of the signs that you could have a mold problem are listed below, but when in doubt have a home inspection by a licensed contractor to get to the root of the problem.
Yikes, It’s Mold Spores!
This is an easy detection of a possible mold problem; seeing growing mold spores. Mold spores can be seen in windows, trim boards of windows, flooring, walls, and wallpaper. If you see mold spores it can be the tip of the iceberg and indicate a larger problem. Trying to scrub mold away won’t really get rid of mold. If you see mold spores it’s best to call a mold remediation company or licensed contractor to remedy the situation, including any leaks or standing water that could have caused the situation.
My Cold Has Gone On Forever
Do you feel like you have been trying to get over a cold or flu-like symptoms for weeks and weeks? It’s hard to tell if your home has a mold problem till you start smelling a musky smell, see visible mold spores, or you have detected a leak or standing water. The problem with mold starts behind your walls or under your the foundation of your home. But if you seem like your cold or flu-like symptoms have lingered forever, try staying a few nights away at a friend’s home or hotel and see if the symptoms abate. If your symptoms suddenly start to improve not being in your home you might be on to an early mold problem. If you still have the symptoms while staying at another home or hotel it could be a lingering cold or virus causing the problem.
Stale, Damp or Musty Smells
If your home suddenly has a stale, damp or musty smell in certain places this can indicate that you might have a mold problem in your home. Best indicator is if the smell proceeds flooding, a leak or above average rain fall, this might let you know that you are dealing with a potential mold problem.
You’ve Had Flooding or Leaks
Roof leaks or skylight leaks are the most damaging because they can go undetected for awhile and cause mold, structural damage to both your roof, walls, foundation, framing and more. If you have had flooding in your neighborhood or your home got flooding, calling in mold remediation experts goes to the top of your list after assessing damage and cleanup before the your home can be restored to it’s pre-flood state. Patio areas are easy entries of water into your home if the sloop of the patio or deck was not built correctly letting water to seep under the siding of your home.
Mold is not just a short-term problem after flooding happens but for a long time after flooding takes place when the ground is saturated beyond what it can hold, that extra moisture can find its way into your home. Mold can start reproduction within days of flooding or moisture intrusion. Being vigilant and using consistent means to eradicate mold and fix the situations that caused it should bring your home back to it’s pre-mold beauty and functionality.
Do You Get Frequent Headaches?
Symptom tracking your headaches to see when they occur is a great way of detecting if they are happening because of mold. If your headaches increase or only happen when you are home, mold may be the culprit and it’s worth checking out. Mold exposure can cause both short-term and long-term health effects; including headaches, coughing, runny nose, flu-like symptoms, mental health concerns and auto immune disorders.
Buckling Paint or Floors, Soggy Walls, Drywall Damage
If you are seeing buckling paint, uneven floorboards, soggy walls or drywall damage, it’s probably time to call in a licensed contractor to assess the situation. All of these situations can point to water intrusion and the perfect incubator for mold in your home. Once mold growth has started it doesn’t improve with time. So you want to contact a professional sooner rather than later to detect and remove mold. Ultimately a speedy response to mold eradication is the best way to insure your house won’t have permanent damage and your won’t be dealing with mold-related health issues in the future.
Once the mold is gone, it’s time for a deep cleaning of your whole home. Be sure to give us a call at Crystal Clear Home so we can help you get your home back to it’s healthy state; we are only a phone call at 707-827-3316 or contact form away.